Studies all about Diabetes Mellitus
Diagnosis Diabetes Mellitus
more Quality of Life through goal-oriented Research!
Between 7 and 8 Million people in Germany are affected by Diabetes Mellitus. Comprehensive healthcare is offered for those who are affected. The care goes beyond offering medications. In our workshops, we inform you about the possibilities offered in everyday life and we will show you the effect and application of your medications. Possibilities for therapy have improved a lot in the last few years due to new medications that can be implemented individually. We would like to support this development by participating in studies in order to also improve the quality of life for our patients in the future. In our Diabetes Center clinical studies on various fields of diabetology are offered in collaboration with various pharmaceutical companies. It is the goal of this research to gain widespread improvement of the health situation of each participant in the studies by finding new ways of therapy. Whether you are able to participate in a study depends on your past therapy and often also on the value of your long-term blood sugar (HbA1c-value).

Participation – Your Advantages as Study-participant
With your participation in a study, you make a contribution to the development of new therapy possibilities and thereby to medical progress. You will gain access to new treatment and therapy possibilities and will try new medications even before they are introduced to the market and may be able to delay the start of an insulin therapy.
During the duration of the study you are being professionally cared for by specially trained medical staff. Physical examinations and treatments during the study that widely exceed the medical routine are free of charge for you and your insurance company.
Blood sugar strips and other necessary means will be provided to you at no charge. You will also receive a compensation, the amount of which will depend on the cost and extent of the study.
Should you be interested in study participation, please talk to us about it at your next visit to our center.

Study Phases
Phase I Study:
The medication to be studied is given healthy people, the so-called probands. These are people who participate on their free will in studies of new or medical substances not yet admitted in Germany in the framework of a clinical test (study). The goal of such Phase-I-Studies is to gather information regarding the harmlessness, compatibility, the pharmacokinetic (= effect of the medication in the blood) as well as pharmacodynamics (start and end of effectiveness of the medication).
In Phase-II-Studies, the medication is first examined with patients who have the illness for which the medication is meant. Goal of Phase-II-Studies is to gain information regarding the effectiveness, harmlessness and the relationship between dosages and the effect of the medication.
Phase-III-Study – Participation of the Diabetes Center:
In this phase, the medication under examination is tested on a larger number of patients. The effect in everyday life, the compatibility and safety as well as possible side effects with other medications are captured.
Phase-IV-Study – Participation of the Diabetes Center:
These studies are only done after the medication has been approved. In these studies, the medications are observed according to additional aspects, for example, the protection from heart-circulatory diseases or frequency of hypoglycemia events.